I think you get some characters going, let them get into trouble,
and see what happens!
Bill Tickton, Mr. Juda, and Richard Roe awoke at almost the same
time. They had dark hair, no hair and some hair. The Planet Soon
was almost upon them. You better get one of these characters
over to a window, or something, the computer thought.
If I come from such a school, I'm bound to be tested,
it thought.
Nothing really.
"Man, you've grown quite a beard!" Mr. Juda told Richard
Roe wistfully.
Pretty much, Richard
Roe said.
... no, kek, kek, kedd! That's from the next page.
In truth, someone left a Field Guide in the back seat of my taxicab
describing a planet roughly ten times the volume of Earth, though
... and this is very important, ... its gravity is the same as Earth's
because the Planet Soon (and that is truly its name) is filled with
hot air!
Nothing really.